ChatGPT is Bullshit
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ChatGPT is Bullshit: Why Your AI Buddy Might Be Bluffing

Alright, folks, let’s chat about why ChatGPT sometimes sounds like it’s confidently bluffing its way through a poker game it barely understands. We’re talking about a study by Michael Townsen Hicks, James Humphries, and Joe Slater titled “ChatGPT is Bullshit.” Yes, that’s the actual title. Let’s dig in.

It’s Not Lying, It’s Just BS-ing

The study suggests that ChatGPT isn’t lying or hallucinating—it’s simply bullshitting. It doesn’t care about being right; it cares about sounding like it knows what it’s talking about. Think of it as your one friend who’s always got a factoid, but you’re 80% sure they’re making it up as they go.

Truth? Who Needs It?

ChatGPT’s job isn’t to deliver the truth; it’s to deliver something that feels truthy. It’s all about the vibe, not the validity. Like when you’re in an argument, and you drop a line that just sounds like it should win the debate, even if you have no idea what you’re saying.

It’s a Probability Party

Behind the scenes, ChatGPT is basically just guessing which word should come next based on probabilities. It’s not checking facts—it’s rolling the dice. Sometimes it’s a winning hand, and other times… well, you get a sentence that sounds like it came from the Twilight Zone.

Why It Matters

The authors argue that calling ChatGPT’s mistakes “hallucinations” is misleading. It’s not seeing things that aren’t there—it’s just spouting out BS because it doesn’t actually care if what it’s saying is true or not. It’s like that person who can’t admit they’re wrong, so they just keep doubling down.

BS Isn’t Harmless

Here’s the kicker: This kind of BS isn’t just harmless fun. When people mistake ChatGPT’s confident nonsense for actual truth, things can go sideways—fast. Just ask the lawyer who cited fake cases ChatGPT made up. Oops.

Final Thought

So, next time ChatGPT tells you something wild, remember: It’s not lying, it’s just a smooth talker who’s really good at pretending to know what’s up. Let’s keep that in mind when we ask it for advice.

Check out the full study here for the juicy details: ChatGPT is Bullshit.

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