“Will this matter in 5 years?”
“Will this matter in 5 years?”
My friend Michal asked me this question years ago when I was sharing some personal issued with him, and it completely reshaped my mindset. Ever found yourself stressing over something and wondered if it’s really worth your mental energy? Yeah, me too.
This question has become a cornerstone of how I navigate life. I’ve included it in my daily mental framework. Whether I’m problem-solving or planning out the next big steps in my work, life, and business.
When a problem pops up and I start spiralling into a stress vortex, I just ask myself: “Will I even remember this in 5 years? Will it have any real impact on my life?”
Spoiler alert: 95% of the time, the answer is a big, fat NO.
Now, this isn’t just about avoiding stress—though, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want less stress? It’s also about making decisions that actually matter. If I’m faced with a big choice that starts weighing on me, I ask the same thing. Will this decision still be relevant in 5 years?
You’d be surprised how many things we obsess over that barely last 2 weeks in our memory, let alone 5 years. It’s part of a larger strategy I picked up from Tim Ferriss: What’s the one decision that can remove 100 other decisions from your life?
It’s kind of like what the Dalai Lama XIV once said: “If a problem is fixable, there’s no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there’s no help in worrying.” Worrying is the most pointless hobby we all share—so why not quit?
So next time you’re knee-deep in stress about something, just ask yourself: “Will this matter in 5 years?” If the answer is no, then maybe it’s time to let it go.
Remember, we’re all just trying to navigate this chaotic, beautiful mess called life. Why not do it with a little less stress and a lot more perspective? 🌟
Oh, and just to keep things real: the idea for this post, of course, came to me under the shower today, out of the blue. 🚿💡