Can AI Code? Sure. Replace Us? Nah.
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Can AI Code? Sure. Replace Us? Nah.

foto: My all-time favourite coding spot.

TL;DR: AI might be good at spitting out code, but until it learns to drink coffee, panic over edge cases, and argue about tabs vs. spaces in meetings, I think we’re safe.

Look, I get it. Everywhere you turn, there’s talk about the future—flying cars, robot overlords, and AI that’s going to replace everyone’s job. Even us, programmers. New tools, shiny solutions, and models of artificial intelligence promise to write code better, faster, and with less complaining than the average developer. It’s enough to make you want to ditch your IDE and start a farm (though let’s be real, even that might get automated soon).

But let me tell you, the rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, here are some reasons (I believe) why AI won’t be pushing programmers out of the picture anytime soon.

As a coder myself for the last 25 years and a CTO who has probably managed more than 20 coding teams in my lifetime, I’d like to think I bring a bit of experience to the table in this endless debate about AI replacing programmers. I’ve seen it all—from the glory days of punchy Java applets to the flashy AI tools of today. Heck, in the last 2.5 years I’ve built over 100 automation workflows using AI for my own products like Careera.AI,, and a handful of CTO-as-a-Service clients.

But a recent, really heated discussion on Twitter (I still refuse to call it X) that I got tangled up in has pushed me to write this article. So, when I say AI won’t be booting us coders out of our chairs anytime soon, it’s not just wishful thinking—I think this comes with some coffee-fueled, battle-tested experience, and maybe a bit of frustration from seeing the same tired arguments play out over and over.

1. AI Doesn’t Speak Business (Yet)

AI is smart—like, super smart. It can calculate, automate, and optimise like a pro. But here’s the kicker: it doesn’t really understand why it’s doing any of it. Business requirements, user needs, product visions—these are complex things that require human intuition, empathy, and, dare I say it, a bit of heart. And last I checked, Siri doesn’t have a heart. So when it comes to translating “I want an app that does everything but also makes me feel special” into actual code, we’ll still need good ol’ programmers to bridge that gap.

2. AI Isn’t Great at Playing Jazz

When you need something that follows a pattern or works within a set framework, it’s golden. But ask it to come up with a brand-new, never-seen-before solution, and it kind of freezes up like a deer in headlights. Creating innovative, custom solutions for unique problems is where programmers shine. We thrive in ambiguity, and we’re not afraid to color outside the lines. AI? It’s still working on staying within the margins. And don’t event let me start on the AI hallucination topics here…

3. The Art of Not Breaking Things (or Knowing Where It All Could Go Wrong)

An experienced programmer’s brain is like a beautiful mind map of potential disasters. We’ve spent years learning not just how to build things but how to break them. And more importantly, how to make sure they don’t break in the worst possible way. Errors, edge cases, and bugs are where we really earn our keep. AI doesn’t quite have the hang of that yet. It can spit out code that looks right, but it doesn’t have that deep-seated paranoia (read: experience) to say, “This is where it could all go horribly wrong.” And let’s face it, isn’t that what software development is all about?

4. AI Can’t Read the Room (Or Lead the Team Meeting)

Programming isn’t just writing code in a dark room with a hoodie on. It’s about communication, collaboration, and sometimes even playing therapist for a stressed-out product manager. AI might be able to handle some technical tasks, but it can’t manage stakeholders, align with team goals, or mediate when your designer insists on that “edgy” colour scheme. Humans bring the glue to these dynamics. AI? It’s still trying to figure out the difference between teal and turquoise.

5. Programmers Think Like Artists (And Sometimes Like Mad Scientists)

If you’ve ever seen a programmer deep in thought, staring at a screen as if it’s going to spill all its secrets, you know it’s not just a job; it’s an art form. We mix creativity with logic, dream up solutions in the shower, and spend hours debugging because we know there’s a better way. AI follows instructions—it doesn’t have those “Aha!” moments. And if you’ve ever been in a tight coding jam, you know those moments are priceless.

6. AI Isn’t Quite Up to Snuff on Ethics (Or Security, For That Matter)

Let’s be honest—trusting AI to handle sensitive data and complex ethical decisions is like trusting a raccoon with your tax returns. Sure, it might do okay for a bit, but sooner or later, things are going to get messy. Ethical programming isn’t just about making sure the code runs; it’s about ensuring privacy, security, and doing right by the user. These are deeply human concerns, and as long as that’s true, programmers aren’t going anywhere.

7. Programmers Are Lifelong Learners

Technology is evolving faster than a toddler on a sugar high. New languages, frameworks, and tools are popping up all the time, and as programmers, we’re constantly learning and adapting. AI can help us keep up, sure, but it doesn’t replace the curiosity, the drive, and the sheer stubbornness it takes to keep pushing the envelope.

8. Optimization is a Human Sport

Coding isn’t just about writing lines that work; it’s about writing lines that work well. Efficient, optimized, and scalable code is where the true magic happens, and knowing how to squeeze every last drop of performance out of a system is a uniquely human endeavour. AI can draft a first pass, but it takes a seasoned programmer to turn it into poetry.

Final Thoughts: AI is Here to Stay (But So Are We)

Here’s the thing: AI is a fantastic tool. It’s like a super-smart intern who never sleeps and doesn’t complain (unlike some of us, after a few all-nighters). It can help us be more productive, spot bugs we might miss, and even suggest some pretty nifty code. But replace us? Not likely.

So, let’s put those fears to rest. AI isn’t here to steal our jobs; it’s here to make our lives easier. And if anything, it’s going to push us to be even better—to think more creatively, collaborate more effectively, and keep evolving as the tech world spins ever faster.

Until the day AI learns to drink coffee, binge-watch tutorials, and silently judge our variable names, we programmers are here to stay. 🖖

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