
Wu Wei: How Alan Watts Taught Me to Stop Wrestling with Life and Start Riding the Wave

Ever feel like you’re wrestling with life and losing every round? 🥊 I did, too—until I stumbled upon Alan Watts and his teachings on “Wu Wei.”

Wu Wei meaning expresses “inexertion”, “inaction”, or “effortless action”—the art of doing less while achieving more. Alan described it as “dancing with life, not wrestling it.” It’s not about being lazy. Imagine riding the wave instead of fighting against it.

Wu Wei doesn’t mean inaction. It’s optimal action. Think of it as mastering timing, like knowing exactly when to tell a joke for the biggest laugh. It lets you be the lead in your story without the stress of overacting every scene.

Nature exemplifies Wu Wei. Trees grow, rivers flow, and everything moves with ease and purpose. No tree tries to grow; it just does.

Stress arises every day, for different reasons, there’s always something my mind wants, and wants it now!

The moment I realize I have to stop forcing outcomes and start flowing with the natural rhythm of things, everything changes. Less stress, more creativity, and surprisingly better results. It’s like discovering a secret life hack!

Start small. Next challenge, pause. Breathe. Ask, “What’s the natural way through this?” Trust your instincts. They’re more aligned with the universe than you think. It’s a journey, not a destination. The less you force, the more you thrive.


Watch Alan Watts explain it all below!

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